Saturday, January 20, 2007


So I am at a mall with my wife and a friend and his kid and my kid. We sit at a 2 seater table. The kids share one seat and my buddy, who has had knee surgery, takes the other seat. No big deal. It was my suggestion.

I put my black leather biker jacket with my house keys, cellphone, and his car keys on the back of the chair that the kids are sitting on. We are at this 2 seater for 5 minutes, and then we see a 4 seater open up, so we move to the better seats. This 4 seater is 6 feet away from the 2 seater.

15 minutes later I realize that I don't see my biker jacket. We look over at the 2 seater. IT IS GONE!!!!! None of the mall cleaners saw it. No one handed it in to them. We go to Mall Services, and no one has handed it in.

So I end up having to spend $60.00 for a cab so we can get back to my buddy's place. Use the spare house keys to get in, so we can get the spare car keys, and back to the mall.

This took an hour and it still had not been turned in when I got back to the mall.


Fuck the Justice System. Cut the hands of a thief like they do in some cultures!! Then have a showing on all the news programs and in all the paper every day of the latest batch of hands that used to belong to the little bastards who still don't get the fucking point!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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