Sunday, December 31, 2006

Best Wishes To All In The New Year

Well, it is December 31st and the new year is apon us. A time to reflect on the past year and decide for ourselves what we want to accomplish in this upcoming year. I don't want to make any "New Year Resolutions" because I never live up to them, so instead, I am going to look at what I did wrong, and learn from my mistakes.

1. Don't let myself freak out over the smallest things.
2. I used to be a laid back guy, and I have been too uptight about shit. Time to mellow out again.
3. Don't take my life for granted. Surprises can happen if you get too full of yourself.

There is an old story about a college professor who gave his students the meaning of life in a jar.
He brought in a jar, some rocks, pebbles, sand and a beer.

First he put the rocks into the jar and told his class, "This represents the most important things in your life. Family, friends, the ones you love, and the ones who love you."

He then put the pebbles in and said, "This is your responsibilities. Your job, your bills, etc."

The he placed the sand in and informed the class, "This is the problems in life. They will work their way throughout everthing else and can seem to overwhelm you so you cannot see the other things, but don't forget that the rocks are still there and always will be."

One of his students noticed how full the jar was and asked the proffessor, "Well, I can see your point and the jar is now full, so what is the point of the beer?"

The proffessor smiled and simply opened the beer, and poured it into the jar. Even though the jar appeared to have no more space, the beer flowed through the nooks and crannies and fit into the jar perfectly.

"No matter what is happening, and no matter how full life seems, there is always room to sit back and relax with a beer."

Sounds like good wisdom to me.

Happy new year. To those who wronged me, I forgive you, and to those I wronged, I am sorry. To everyone else, see you at the bar!!!!

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