Monday, December 04, 2006

Christmas is Wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!

I cannot condone Christmas. I don't trust anything about it.

First of all, it is supposed to be a time of year where we celebrate a religious leaders birth.

Last time I checked, Jesus didn't have a red and white, fur-lined suite, and fly in a sleigh lead by 8 (or 9, or even 10 depending on which story you follow).

Santa?!?!?!?! An overweight guy who starts by going to public places and giving kids candy so they will sit on his knee. AND WE TAKE PHOTOS OF THIS, SO ITS NOT LIKE WE DONT HAVE EVIDENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We approve of him breaking into our homes, not knowing what he is really doing. How do we know that he just "leaves presents"?

I Dont LIke It. And i strongly suspect that Rudolph has a red nose because he drinks too much rum.

Don't take life too seriously: it isn't permanent

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