Sunday, December 31, 2006

Best Wishes To All In The New Year

Well, it is December 31st and the new year is apon us. A time to reflect on the past year and decide for ourselves what we want to accomplish in this upcoming year. I don't want to make any "New Year Resolutions" because I never live up to them, so instead, I am going to look at what I did wrong, and learn from my mistakes.

1. Don't let myself freak out over the smallest things.
2. I used to be a laid back guy, and I have been too uptight about shit. Time to mellow out again.
3. Don't take my life for granted. Surprises can happen if you get too full of yourself.

There is an old story about a college professor who gave his students the meaning of life in a jar.
He brought in a jar, some rocks, pebbles, sand and a beer.

First he put the rocks into the jar and told his class, "This represents the most important things in your life. Family, friends, the ones you love, and the ones who love you."

He then put the pebbles in and said, "This is your responsibilities. Your job, your bills, etc."

The he placed the sand in and informed the class, "This is the problems in life. They will work their way throughout everthing else and can seem to overwhelm you so you cannot see the other things, but don't forget that the rocks are still there and always will be."

One of his students noticed how full the jar was and asked the proffessor, "Well, I can see your point and the jar is now full, so what is the point of the beer?"

The proffessor smiled and simply opened the beer, and poured it into the jar. Even though the jar appeared to have no more space, the beer flowed through the nooks and crannies and fit into the jar perfectly.

"No matter what is happening, and no matter how full life seems, there is always room to sit back and relax with a beer."

Sounds like good wisdom to me.

Happy new year. To those who wronged me, I forgive you, and to those I wronged, I am sorry. To everyone else, see you at the bar!!!!

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Time To Act Like A Kid!!!!!!! (But, Really, When Is It Not?)

Hello all you out there in cyberland!!!!

Ok, so it is time to fill in what we got for Christmas!!! But, before I do, Ang tagged me and you have to send it out to 6 people, and I don't have 6 people to tag, so ttttthhhhhhppppppppppttttttt, aint gonna do it.

So, being 33 and broke, I dont get alot for Christmas, but here is what I did get.

I got 8 beers (Highland Scottish Ale, 2 packs with 4 each)
A Limited Edition Darth Vader figure
A Darth Vader clippy toy that you can hang off your back pack
The Beatles "Love" Album
Meat Loaf "Bat Out Of Hell III"
Clerks 2
A Very Nice Sweater
Crown Royal Rye Whiskey Gift Set with 2 shot glasses.

I like them all!!!!!!!!!! So what did you get?

Monday, December 25, 2006

Just A Simple Message

Merry (Enter your holiday/greeting/salutation of choice here)
Merry (Enter your holiday/greeting/salutation of choice here)
Merry (Enter your holiday/greeting/salutation of choice here)
Merry (Enter your holiday/greeting/salutation of choice here)
Merry (Enter your holiday/greeting/salutation of choice here)
Merry (Enter your holiday/greeting/salutation of choice here)
Merry (Enter your holiday/greeting/salutation of choice here)

And a happy new year.

Friday, December 22, 2006

Happy Holidays

Ok, Ok, no rant today.


I think that says it all.

(and I even mean that to the penguins)

Friday, December 15, 2006


I am so sick and tired of the creepy head of politically correct shoving its head up my ass, and the ass of others.

I live in Toronto, ON, Canada. At one of the courthouses down here, a christmas tree has been banned from being on display because of the possible offence it could cause, but some people say as long as it is called a "Holiday Tree" then it is not so bad!! BULLSHIT! BULLSHIT! BULLSHIT! BULLSHIT! BULLSHIT! BULLSHIT! BULLSHIT!

I LOVE the fact that a local Muslim leader said "We should ban political correctness instead of Christmas Trees".

The tree is a part of the commercialization of this holiday time and has nothing to do with any religion. Just because the season has the word Christ in it, it is automatically labeled religious. Same goes for Santa and his reindeer.

There are two versions to "Christmas" in my book. The religious one in which some people celebrate the birth of Jesus, and then there is the tree, wreaths, wrapping paper. PLEASE STOP LINKING THE 2 TOGETHER.

All becasue some idiots think that having a symbol of one "religion" in place means you cant have other ones as well.

Hanukkah, Ramadan(-ul-Mubarik), and Kwanzaa are just a few of the holidays that take place around this time of year and I was raised as a Catholic (please forgive me, it wasnt my fault). I have a really fucked up idea, but hear me out.


Instead of living in a world where there is a mentality of "We do it my way or no way", how about we try this: "Just as I have a right to show my beliefs, so do others. Maybe I will learn something new!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Some people I know say "Happy Holidays" or "Merry X-Mas". This takes the Christ out of Christmas and also wishes you well in what ever holiday you celebrate, no matter what your culture or religion is.

Last I read, most religions talk about being nice to others. So why do we use it as a basis to hate or disrespect others???? We are all homo-sapiens born on the planet Earth. In my books that means that no matter what colour you are, what religion you practice, who you fuck in bed, or what is between your legs, you are to be respected unless your actions deem otherwise.

Instead of trying to hide things so that others won't be offended, how about we start showing the symbols of others so that all feel represented? Is that really such a bad fucking idea?

Now, I may be wrong in some of this stuff, and if I have put something down as fact, and it is way off base, please make a comment and let me know.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Just A Good Weekend

Hey my little viewers of the abusrd, how are we all tonight?

I just got in from a weekend that was filled with nothing, but just was nothing but a good time.

Did you ever have one of those? We did absolutly nothing, but I am sitting here just feeling good, and enjoyed myself (not that way you perverts!!!)

A buddy of mine needed a hand, so I spent the weekend driving him around, running errands and the like. We drove out to London so he could pick up his son from the mommy, and seeing as she is my ex, it was nice to see her too.

Just drove this weekend, helped the wifey do some christmas shopping. She got my son the Lego Star Wars game for his Gameboy, which he just loves the version for the PS2, so I know he is going to go ballistic over that gift!!

Drove my buddy and his son back to London, and stopped off at this truck stop for one of the most amazing meals I have ever had in my life. Did you ever have a meal, where it is just so delicious that you dont want to stop eating, and you feel that you can handle eating for the next few hours, without getting full, because the food is just that good? This is what it was like tonight.

The only sour note for this weekend was something my father did. I came home last night to discover that my dad had set up the christmas decorations. On the front door is a little hanging that has a banner saying "Ho Ho Ho" Beneath this banner is 3 little stockings and above the banner is the owners of the stockings.


They are coming for me soon. I know it.

Ninety nine percent of all statistics are made up on the spot

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Shit, I have been tagged again!!!

OK! The only reason I am doing this is because I am suffering from total bordem:

Five Snacks I Enjoy:

Chocolate Chip Cookies
Nougat Wafers with Ice Cream (It is a Scottish thing)
Ice Cream
(I don't care what anyone says, the last two are snacks to me!!)

Five bands/artists that I know the lyrics of MOST of their songs:

Meat Loaf
The Beatles
Guns N' Roses
(working on it) Edguy
Sin Bin Wardens (Ok, they dont really exist, but I couldnt think of another one, and I just think it would be a great name for a band)

Five things I would do with $100,000,000:

Pay off my debts
Build my dream house
Start my own business
Pay the original cast of "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" to perform it live on my birthday every year
Travel, travel, travel

Five locations I’d like to run away to:


Five things I like doing:

Raising my son
Playing with peoples perception of reality

Five things I wish I could wear:

Spandex (and look good in it)
Freddie Mercury's iconic outfit (White tanktop, white pants and yellow leather jacket)
A Thong (Lets face it, I dont have the body for it yet)
A bunny outfit in a church
You (unles the person reading this is male, I aint that kind of boy)

Five TV shows I like:

CSI (Vegas)
Dr. Who
Holmes on Homes

Five Movies:

Rocky Horror Picture Show
Young Frankenstein
Any Kevin Smith Film with Jay and Silent Bob

Five famous people I’d like to meet:

Billy Connolly
Axl Rose
Kevin Smith
George Carlin
Denis Leary


John Lennon
Freddie Mercury
Adolph Hitler (Just to smack the bastard around for a few hours)
Elivs (HE IS DEAD, DEAL WITH IT!!!!!!!!!!)
My Grandparents for one more time

Five biggest joys at the moment:

Due to feeling kinda blah and bored, I have nothing at this time
(Don't worry folks, I am not depressed again)

Five favorite toys:

A book

I have no one to tag because the person on my list, is the one who sent it to me. So If you are not Angell, but read this. Consider yourself tagged

Monday, December 04, 2006

Christmas is Wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!

I cannot condone Christmas. I don't trust anything about it.

First of all, it is supposed to be a time of year where we celebrate a religious leaders birth.

Last time I checked, Jesus didn't have a red and white, fur-lined suite, and fly in a sleigh lead by 8 (or 9, or even 10 depending on which story you follow).

Santa?!?!?!?! An overweight guy who starts by going to public places and giving kids candy so they will sit on his knee. AND WE TAKE PHOTOS OF THIS, SO ITS NOT LIKE WE DONT HAVE EVIDENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We approve of him breaking into our homes, not knowing what he is really doing. How do we know that he just "leaves presents"?

I Dont LIke It. And i strongly suspect that Rudolph has a red nose because he drinks too much rum.

Don't take life too seriously: it isn't permanent