Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Things My Son Has Said

Ok, like every other parent out there, I have been stunned by some of the things my son has let fly from the combination of his brain, lips and voice box:

"You do" - He let out a long stream of curse words and this was his response when my wife told him we don't say those words.

"That's a small car...............I'm a small kid.................I could drive that." - his response to seeing his first Smart car.

"Told you" - He had been complaining of a sore tummy. He had been fine and only started to complain when I told him to do something he didn't want to do. I left the room, telling him his stomach was fine, for a few seconds and came back to a living room floor covered in semi-digested hotdogs.

"You didn't say anything about my Gameboy" - He was being punished and was not allowed to play on the computer or on his Playstation 2. I meant his punishment was no video games, but forgot about the Gameboy.

"Did you guys have sex last night" - His question when he got back from his grandfather's place so we could celebrate our 1 year anniversary.

Gotta love kids!!!

1 comment:

Angell said...

Well,he IS your son....there's the proof - a smart ass before he hits double digits.