Friday, April 13, 2007

Things I See No Need For

The following is a list of things that, over time, I just don't see the point of:

Nipples on Men
Underwear (unless you are a woman on THAT time of the month)
Pants (I am a Scot, and the feeling of a kilt is really quite refreshing)
Pom Pom's on socks
Any show with the word "Idol" in it. (Sorry Soul Patrol. I know that without the show, you would never have heard of Taylor Hicks, but it also gave us another reason for Ben Mulroney to be on the air in Canada)
Ben Mulroney
Cherries. (I just don't like them)
Penguins!!!!( C'mon, you knew it would be on the list)
Hair dye (Ok, granted. It makes my wife look like the Baroness from the old G.I. Joe cartoon, and I have issues, but that is besides the point)
People who are famous for nothing except they are from a famous family

There is more, but I have ranted enough for today.

1 comment:

Angell said...

HEY - I like Ben Mulroney.