Wednesday, December 19, 2007

A Must Note

The following is a list of things I think everyone should know. It may save your life one day.

1. Pants are a must.
2. Jeans count as pants.
3. A pepperoni pizza covers all 4 basic food groups, therefore it is ok to wash it down with chocolate sauce.
4. Love is not logical.
5. Pain happens.
6. Blowjobs are a good thing.
7. Without photos, there is no proof.
8. There is no rule eight.
9. The sky is only the limit if you are not an astronaut.
10. No one is automatically good in bed. It takes practice.
11. If life were fair, I would be on my third marriage, 8th trip to rehab and my 3rd comeback album. All without gaining the belly.
12. He will always be an asshole.
13. She will always be a bitch.
14. They are never wrong, unless they are.
15. Hubba Hubba. Nuff said.
16. See rule 8.
17. Falling off a building does not kill you, nor does a car crash. It is the sudden stop of movement that does it.
18. They care more about you than you do yourself. Unless you are so vain.
19. Memories are only good if they make you laugh. Forget the rest.
20. Men should not wear panties unless they are starting in the RHPS.
21. No one can think of more than 22 things in one sitting.
22. ............I got nothing.

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