Friday, November 24, 2006

Asshole Employers

Some compmanies are just fucking stupid. I was hired recently at a new company. I was thrown into an enviorenment that I knew only the basics, but didn't know their system of doing things.

I fully admit that I screwed up on a few things, but is 2 weeks really enough time to see if someone knows what they are doing?

Also, it is cold and flu season. I got sick. Even though I was sick as a dog on Monday, I still went in. I figured I would see how long I could last, and ended out the day. But Tuesday morning, I could barely move. I was tempted to call my son's school and babysitter to tell them that I was in no condition to move, so my son would be staying home with me. But I got him out, came home, then called in sick.

They called me later and told me I was fired, and get this, they said that the one of the reasons that I was fired we because I was calling in sick.

Bastards. It is not even like it was a busy time. They even told me that this time of year was slow for them.

Aw, well. I will get something better.

Nobody is perfect. I am nobody.


Angell said...


I lubs ya.

Loki said...

you too cuddlecakes