Saturday, November 11, 2006

General Rambling (entered by Corporal Pain)

So I am standing in line at the bank with my tounge up this chicks ass......sorry bad channeling for a moment.

The past few posts have been a little silly, so I figured, time for a not so wacky one. I love karma sometimes.

So get this, just over 3 weeks ago I was fired from my job (again!!! I am thinking I should tell the government that I deserve welfare because I am unemployable). It sucked and I was lucky enough to find a new job in just 3 weeks. Thats gotta be a record for me.

Anyway, I was still in contact with my now former co-workers and found out that the day I got the new job, everyone from my old job was fired. It was in an outsourcing call centre location, and they were told that they would be re-hired once they had they "work at home" program they had been talking about about 2 months ago.

Would have preferred to be let go that way instead because at least I would have gotten severence pay, but in the end its all good.

I like the new job because I am left pretty much on my own and if all goes well, it will last a long time.

I always finish what I...

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