Wednesday, October 25, 2006

MOOD SWING!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, so today I am up, or as I like to call it "On My Meds" and I must talk about a topic that I have discussed with my friends for years.


Have you ever seen footage of them? They all stand around talking in code. Oh yes, make no mistakes my friends, that is not "penguin chatter" it is a code. They know how cute they are and they use it to their advantage. They get friendly with us, let the documentary people put cameras on them, and look like they are playing all day, IT"S SUBTRAFUGE!!!!!!!

When they are diving into the water, they are practicing for when they have to swim large distances to take over the land!!

AND THEY ARE NOT ALONE. Chickens are the ground patrol and seagulls and pigeons are the air force!!!

Why do you think that chickens reproduce so much? Why do seagulls and pigeons seem to be everywhere?

It's a plot I tell you!! It's a plot.

It took several years, but even my wife agrees with me. She once told me "After all the evidence I have seen, I have to agree. You are right, they are plotting something."

Watch them carefully.

You could be next.

Carp Diem - "Seize the fish"

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