Sunday, July 29, 2007

What Is Wrong With People?

I have a Facebook account. I am having a poke-war with a few people. Hey, it is a fun way to keep in touch without having to have an actual message.

There is actually a group of people out there who say that poking is the same as fucking!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

C'mon folks. You are just giving someone a reminder that you are out there!!! Grow up!!!! If it the same as fucking, then I am the biggest slut on the planet!!!! And I might as well get the divorce papers done up, because, if I am doing all this poking/fucking then I am cheating on her with more partners than Homer Simpson has had donuts!!!!!

If it wasnt for the fact that there are some real nice people out there, I would let the penguins have you.

1 comment:

Angell said...

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO - not the penguins....

PLEASE GOD *sob*...

Oh, wait -I like penguins (and so does Dad - remember that volley ball tournament - it's turned into a four month orgy)